
  • Liz Duck-Chong

We hope every time you open up to someone about your truth they respond with love and kindness. But we also want to make sure you're prepared in case they don't, and give you some practical strategies and tools to look after yourself if that’s what happens. With that in mind, here's a new, totally non-exhaustive, step by step guide to coming out.

  • Mo Ranyart

I can't definitively say whether you're bisexual or not, because your own sexual orientation is something only you can know for sure. But I can throw out some thoughts and ideas that might make it easier for you to come to more of an understanding about yourself and your orientation. A great first...

  • Manola Secaira

Is "Latinx" just some weird made-up thing from the internet? How do marginalized communities reshape language to define themselves?

  • Al Washburn

Al reflects on what it's like to navigate having a queer identity while visiting their family's homeland, a small, little-known Caribbean country in South America.

  • Alaina Leary

Think you might be asexual, or just curious about the ace community? Alaina Leary has the details.

  • Alaina Leary

As we change the narrative on disability and sexuality, we need to acknowledge that disabled asexuals exist.

  • Liz Duck-Chong

You may have heard that gender is between our ears and sex is between our legs, but is it? And if not, what is it, and why is it so important to people? Let's find out.

  • Ben

Ben shares the moments and realizations that helped him understand his sexual orientation.

  • Gerbil

Gerbil shares how gender transition set him on the path to a new understanding of his sexual orientation.

  • Sam Wall

Sam shares how denial, internet searches, and queer media were all part of her learning about her sexual orientation.