
  • Sam Wall

soclara continues Because I lost all this weight without any form of exercise outside of basic walking when necessary or working, my body is legitimately disgusting. It's flabby, loose, my breasts are like half empty sacks, my thighs are humongous blobs of fat and cellulite (not exaggerating, not...

  • Heather Corinna
  • Sam Wall

If you take nothing else away from Scarleteen Confidential, we feel these five things are the real guiding principles when it comes to parenting well with sex and sexuality.

  • Quinn Sjogerman

What's so scary about asking when someone else may say no? Rejection. Read on to dial down the fear factor and learn to accept no like a pro.

  • Sam Wall

At Scarleteen, we're all about making choices. But sometimes, we see users making choices that are, ultimately, the opposite of the self-care the need in that moment.

  • Sam Wall

Having a parent walk in on us when we're doing something sexual is one of those things that is awkward at best and awful at worst. Our families, while not the only source of messages about sex, are definitely one source that leaves a big impression. So, it's not surprising that, even though you've...

  • Robin Mandell

You're welcome! What you're asking about here is something a lot of people experience and wonder about whether they have a disability or not. Even if these kinds of uncertainties about our sexualities weren't pretty common, even if what you're talking about was unique to you and a few other people...

  • Heather Corinna

Some helps for the care and keeping of you when you're stressed, depressed, riddled with anxiety or fear or going through something wretched and trying to come out the other side.

  • Mo Ranyart

Hi Angelscar, I’m sorry that the girl you’re interested in doesn’t feel the same romantic feelings towards you that you have for her. That’s never easy news to hear, and it's okay and understandable to feel hurt and disappointed when that happens. We can hopefully help you a little in dealing with...

  • Johanna Schorn

What does desire feel like, and how does feeling desire -- or not feeling it -- have an impact on sex or masturbation? Is it okay to feel strong desire, low levels of desire, or even no desire? We aim to answer your most pressing questions on sexual or erotic desire.

  • Heather Corinna

Hey there, Dan. I'd never assume someone is dumb (including when someone is a young, a guy, or without a house, car or a job), nor do I think that having strong feelings for someone means a person is dumb. It sounds like you've had a pretty watershed emotional experience with this person, and...