Give it up for these awesome organizations!

None of us in this kind of work have the ability to be everything for everyone, or to serve people in all the ways people need help, care, support, information or community by ourselves. So, this #GivingTuesday, we'd like to bring your attention to just a few other organizations besides us (oh, we'll ask you for money for ourselves soon enough, don't you worry!) who we really appreciate who are participating. We're so grateful for them and all that they do. If you're looking for a new place to give some support this week, we suggest you start here:

The Center for Sex and Culture: a real-deal San Francisco institution, the CSC has always done volumes to both preserve and create important materials and movements about sex⁠ , gender⁠ and culture in San Francisco and beyond.  They also act as our fiscal sponsor, which means they share their 501c3 status with us so that some of our donors can contribute and get tax benefits (and that includes doing all the work of saving your information and getting you that paperwork). They've been so deeply supportive of us over all the years we've been around, and we're hardly the only organization or project who have been the beneficiary of their care, kindness and incredible hive mind. You should also know that their founders, Carol Queen and Robert Morgan Lawrence, are two of the most inspiring, ingenious and wonderful people not just in our field, but on the whole planet.

Trans Lifeline: In the strange event you don't already know, TransLifeline is an incredibly important grassroots hotline staffed by transgender⁠ people for transgender people; a real-deal lifeline. You can fight for trans lives on #GivingTuesday.

They're looking for supporters to create Facebook fundraisers for them to get matching funds. For more information about how to do that, check out⁠ their Facebook page today here.

YTH: YTH keeps tremendous focus on exploring the ways technology can support health, especially sexual⁠ health; by developing and building things that utilize technology to do just that, and also by supporting numerous projects and partner⁠ organizations looking to do or doing the same. They also give youth a real spot at the table -- and not at the little kids table -- and that's long been one of our favorite things about them.

They're looking for donations to help bring its fantastically important youth advisory board to their annual conference, YTH Live. Many of the young leaders they're supporting live out of state and don't have the means to pay for going to the conference themselves.

The Woodhull Freedom Foundation: Woodhull is a national human rights organization that focuses entirely on protecting sexual freedom and ending sexual violence.  They work hard to stand up for the principle that consensual sexual expression and sexual freedom are fundamental human rights. They're freaking awesome.

Starting tomorrow morning, they're offering prizes for donors every hour on the hour. I bet if you keep your eye on their twitter feed you can get the scoop early. You can support them by donating tomorrow, or by tagging them on Instagram or Twitter showing how you advocate for sexual freedom, or by starting a fundraiser for them on Facebook. (They also have some rad internships open sometimes.)

• Having the funds to make your own reproductive choices is everything, and being without them can be terrifying and truly devastating. On days like tomorrow, abortion⁠ funding often gets lost in the shuffle, even though it is so tremendously important and so incredibly needed by so many, not just the funding itself, but all the support and care that goes along with helping someone make the choice they know is the best for themselves, their lives and their families. You can use this map from the National Network of Abortion Funds (United States) here to find an abortion fund directly.  Maybe you'd like to give to one that serves your state, or maybe you'd like to give to one that serves a state that's more challenged than yours when it comes to reproductive justice, or where an ancestor of yours came from whose life would have been changed by an abortion fund (or who would have been cheering a fund on). Or, you can give to the national fund instead, which helps sustain and strengthen the entire network of funds. If you'd prefer something more international, you might consider giving to IPPF, the Abortion Support Network, or IPAS, as a few suggestions.