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Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 4:29 pm
by IAmScared
Hi ;)

so I have Adam's apple,one of my X chromosomes acts like Y chromosome when it comes to inhereting partial colorblindness and I have small uterus. Is this because I am a guy actually? Like,in my mind?

Re: q

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 6:36 pm
by 0PT1M15T1C
So, I'm pretty backed up on the science portion of being trans, so I think I might be able to answer this a bit.

So, I've seen that you've gotten top surgery, but I don't believe you're on T? If you are on testosterone then that would give you that adams apple, but even if not, some people with female bodies (for lack of a better term, sorry) still have something that resembles that, I for one, know that I've always had that, and It's something I quite enjoy to be honest, it doesn't mean anything is wrong. Everyone's larynx grows during puberty, it's just that cis males grown larger and are a lot more noticeable.

With colourblindness, I'm not really sure where to start with that one, because I know cis girls who are colourblind, and don't see any reason that would have an impact on this. Then with the uterus part, with transgender people it's typically the brain that shows the difference, not the rest of the body. So, research has been done to show that the brains of trans people typically look more aligned to that of which the gender they identify as. It's pretty cool, for someone who is trans, let's say in both of our cases, I would imagine what would show up is that our brains would not look like the female brain, instead somewhere in between, closer to aligning with the male brain. There's no research or evidence to show this impacts our physical bodies, which is the reason people still go through HRT and get surgery. However, if you're on testosterone, that can cause changes to your body, including your uterus as far as I know.

*I also want to add in that this may not be the case for all trans people, that's unknown at this point*
Does this help at all?