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Oral sex - sensory issues and health anxiety??

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 3:52 pm
by anonym05
I've never had oral sex and I probably won't have it any time soon, but I keep wondering about some stuff.

What is semen like texture wise? Is it likely to cause sensory issues in people, who experience them? On the other hand, what about discharge/lubricating fluid that the vagina makes? I know what it feels like when I touch myself, but I worry that I would be grossed out by putting my mouth near someone else's vaginal hole in case it gave me sensory issues. In cases where it does cause sensory issues, is there any way to deal with that?

Lastly, is it possible to get sick from giving oral sex? I have emetophobia (fear of vomiting) and I'm scared of like giving someone head/eating someone out and then getting sick to the stomach and vomiting. In general, I'm scared of getting sick from giving it.

Re: Oral sex - sensory issues and health anxiety??

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:55 am
by Latha
Hi there, Anonym05

I think semen can be described as jelly-like in texture- I've heard it compared to the texture of egg whites. I couldn't say how likely or common sensory issues are, but they do happen, in response to both semen and vaginal fluid. If someone has a strong sense of aversion to these fluids, it could make them feel sick, or like they need to throw up. All that said, I've heard good things about using dental dams, condoms, or flavored lubes to deal with sensory issues.

(Of course, you don't have to give oral sex. Having sensory difficulties or just not being interested in it are both good enough reasons.)