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Sneaking around

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:54 am
by Heather
It's common enough for young people (and all the more so for LGBTQ young people) to be in sexual relationships where they do not feel they can be -- or just do not want to be -- honest with parents about the whole of their relationship, or some parts of it or sex within it.

Obviously, that can be stressful as hell, for a million reasons, and also can make all your relationships feel really unstable, like there's a ticking bomb under them and you just waiting to go off. We've also seen how often sneaking around seems to make it harder for some of our users to make sexual choices they feel good about, to deal with fears or conflicts around sex or their relationships, and to seek out things they need, like contraception or sexual healthcare.

And of course, if and when parents or guardians do find out, and they usually do, you've often got a double-whammy on your hands, where they have bad reactions to what you were hiding, paired with how they feel about you being dishonest with them, and catching you in lying.

Sound familiar? Want some support, including talking about other options so you don't have to deal with sneaking?