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( male ) stigma around anal and prostate stimulation

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 7:48 pm
by staplesj_
I have been fearful about the stigma around Anal stimulation and prostate play specially with men. I have been afraid to talk about my interest of wanting to try it out. I really want to experience that. I want to ask if.. I like anal play like say a thrusting machine am I gay? I personally can't see myself having intercourse or being intimate in that way with a male but I do have the desire to have the experience with anal play and stimulation. I am wanting to experience a full body orgasm as a man and I am waiting to have sex until I find someone that I feel safe with. Until then I want to experience different types of orgasms as male rather than ejaculating and having a long refractory period.

Any advice for me entering this new journey for anal play/ stimulation ?

Thanks : )

Re: ( male ) stigma around anal and prostate stimulation

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 6:56 am
by Sam W
Hi staplesj_,

So, the short answer is: no, enjoying anal or prostate stimulation does not make you gay. As we've talked about before, sexual orientation is about who you experience attraction to, not things like what kind of sexual activities you enjoy or how you masturbate.

As far as other advice, the same suggestions that apply to other kinds of masturbation are also at play here; what feels good or leads to orgasm varies from person to person, so the more open you be to just experimenting and taking in new information about your body, the better this is likely to go. Too, with anal play, going slow and using a LOT of lube are extra important, as that helps prevent pain and discomfort.