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Std or not

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 6:03 am
by Hyacinth222
Hey ,
So 2 days ago I had sex . Well my boyfriend and I were doing some stuff and we decided to have sex. Basically we decided to have sex but we couldn't because we both decided then we were not ready. So there was just little bit of penetration nothing else . But we used condom but now I'm have a red rash on my vagina it's kinda itchy and it's being itching since that day. I'm afraid it's so e kinda std . So please help me

Re: Std or not

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 9:43 am
by Valerie J

I'm sorry you're experiencing discomfort! Let's just take a breath. I hear your fear and I want to let you know that if it is an STI it is not the end of the world and there is most likely medical care that can help with this issue.

We are not medical professionals so I would recommend you going to see your medical practitioner about this as soon as you can.

I have some resources and questions. Is your partner also having a rash or did he have one before you started to engage in sexual practices? Are you having any other symptoms such as painful urination or a change in discharge color or smell?

STI Risk Assessment: The Cliff's Notes
We have a whole STI Files series that you can look at but again I would recommend you see a doctor if accessible because self-assessment can sometimes be more anxiety inducing as you cannot prove you have something or another without seeing a doctor.

I wanted to share this piece because of the fear you expressed. It's a really good piece breaking down stigmas of having STIs. A Manifesto on Pleasure and Selflove for We with an STI

Re: Std or not

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 10:52 am
by Hyacinth222
No my partner doesn't have a rash now or even during the intercourse. No I'm not facing any other symptoms as you have stated above it's just a rash which is itchy and painful.
My parents are kinda strict so I can't tell this to anyone nor I can go to a doctor. So please help me

Re: Std or not

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 11:38 am
by Valerie J
Hi again.

I'm really sorry to hear that you cannot share this with anyone - that sounds really isolating. It being itchy and painful indicates to me that this is something that really only a qualified healthcare provider can investigate, diagnose and treat. Would you like me to try to help find free clinics in your area that you could maybe go to without your parents knowing?


Re: Std or not

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 11:26 pm
by Hyacinth222
I don't think I can go without my parents knowing. But it's a little better than yesterday.

Re: Std or not

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 6:41 am
by Sam W
Hi Loveliy12,

I'm glad to hear it's improving some, but if it's an infection of some kind (even something like a yeast infection or a weird reaction to the condom) that's still ideally something to get healthcare around. Do you know if there are advice nurse lines you can contact without your parents knowing?

Too, there's no reason for your parents to know you've been sexually active if you tell them about this; genital infections can emerge without someone having sex. If you want to talk about how to have that conversation with them, that's also something we can do.