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Can't find my clit.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 5:49 am
by VltLei
Hello, Good day. I'm from Philippines and I'm 19 yrs old already. I just want to know something. So, I was about to rub last night bcs I want to. But, when I'm abt to touch my clit, I dont feel the clit head on it anymore. I can feel it gone. Idk what happened why like this, I only do rub not using other sex toys so how come it will be removed by itself? Can it still grow too bcs I read clitoris continues growing? Will it be back to normal? What should I do. I dont feel any pain, no blood too but it's gone. Please answer. Thank you so much.

Re: Can't find my clit.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:33 am
by Sam W
Hi VltLei,

The clitoris can be more or less noticeable depending on how aroused a person is. If you're usually (or only) touching it when you're aroused or masturbating, then it's going to feel way less noticeable if you touch it when not already aroused. But nothing, including sex toys, can just rub the head of the clitoris away. Have you taken a mirror and a look at your genitals since you noticed this? If not, that would be the next step, because it will help you see how your clitoris looks when you're unaroused.

Re: Can't find my clit.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:44 am
by VltLei
Hi thank you for your answer but in addition last night, something came out from the cover of my clitoris. It's like the clitoris head. Idk, its color white and triangle in shape, its soft. I was scared so I threw it away. Could it possibly be my clit head? But I can see no bad effect in my private part, like it's not bleeding or painful, but I really cant feel the clitoris like it used to be. OMG I'm so scared. Please enlighten me, idk what to do.

Re: Can't find my clit.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:31 am
by Sam W
Whatever you threw away last night, it wasn't the head of your clitoris. For starters, that's not something you can just pull off; it's part of a bigger internal structure, one packed with nerve endings. If you removed part of it, it'd hurt.

We can't say for certain what the white thing you found and thew away was. Did it seem like vaginal discharge or something else from your body. Or did it seem like maybe toilet paper?

Re: Can't find my clit.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:49 am
by VltLei
Actually idk what it was but... I'm sure even before, that's the thing I used to rub and I can feel the arousal on it, I used to rub and it help me orgasm thats why I thought it was the clitoris... could it possibly vaginal discharge really? Im not so familiar with it. But I'm glad the know that it wasn't the clitoris, I think I can breathe now.

Re: Can't find my clit.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 8:29 am
by Sam W
If it was soft and white and easily removed, then it could have been discharge. You can read more about that here: Honorably Discharged: A Guide to Vaginal Secretions. But, as I said, we can't say for certain what it was.

Have you used a mirror to look at your genitals lately (or ever)? If not, doing so might help you work out what you're feeling.

Re: Can't find my clit.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 8:40 am
by VltLei
I haven't tried it yet but I will try it from now on. And I will read what you sent. Thank you so muchhhhhhhh

Re: Can't find my clit.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 8:55 am
by Sam W
You're welcome! If you want help with the mirror exam, this article is a great resource: Innies & Outies: The Vagina, Clitoris, Uterus and More.

Re: Can't find my clit.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:22 pm
by VltLei
Hello, I tried looking at it and read everything that you sent. I read too that clitoral glans is triangle in shape (which uhm, same as what I saw white thing last night before I freaked out :'<) and when I looked at my genitals I cant find the clitoris glans anymore. I touched the top part but i just can feel the skin. Nothing more, nothing hard small thingy (which I used to feel before that night happened) idk.... i got scared again. Could it possibly it? But idk why it was removed. I still trust what you said that it's not it :'< and I should feel pain if ever it is. Idk what was it, I'm not sure too. But if ever it is the glans really, can it still be back? Like grow to normal? Anything else I should do? :'< im scared and I cant seek for doctor's help at the moment.

Re: Can't find my clit.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 4:25 pm
by Mo
Were you able to locate your clitoral hood? If you did find that, pulling it back or up slightly might reveal the clitoral glans. It can also be pretty small in an unaroused state, so if you checked things out with a mirror when you weren't aroused it may have been difficult to see, plus it would be harder to feel too.
I agree with Sam that whatever it was that you noticed and removed couldn't be part of your clitoris. You wouldn't be able to lose a nipple or an earlobe or some other small part of your body without noticing, and the clitoris especially is full of nerve endings; if you had a serious injury there that resulted in damage, you'd be in a lot of pain! We can't know exactly what it was that you noticed but I feel very confident saying it wasn't any part of your clitoris.
I don't think there's anything else you need to do right now; it sounds like this is stressing you out and I hope that you can find ways to stay calm and remind yourself that you didn't lose any part of your body.

Re: Can't find my clit.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:35 pm
by VltLei
Yes, i was able to find it. Maybe I really just cant see and feel it bcs I'm not aroused. Thank you so muchhhh. For now, I think I really should calm u.u I'll try to calm from now on. Thanks a lot for both of youuu.

Re: Can't find my clit.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 7:32 am
by Jacob
So glad you made the progress you wanted to VltLei!