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More questions

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 5:08 am
by Otter8
I messaged here a bit ago asking a few questions about masturbation. I have some more if that’s okay?

I was planning on doing it with a friend a bit ago but we ended up just talking about it instead which made me curious. What is a good way of cleaning up afterwards? My friend says when he does it he has a cloth that he puts over himself or he does it in the bath so he doesn’t have to.

Also I’m still struggling with privacy although my friend says I should try the boys toilets in school but I feel like that’s wrong? He also said the bath which sounds useful because It takes me a long time but I’m worried about the drain

Re: More questions

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 6:13 am
by Coral
Hey Otter8!

Ask as many questions as you'd like!

For cleaning up afterwards, you can really do anything that works. A cloth, like your friend said, would work. Masturbating in the bath would also work, but I'd be sure to clean the tub a bit afterwards, since semen is a bodily fluid. You could also just use a paper towel, tissue, or napkin to clean up as well.

In terms of privacy, I would lean against using the bathroom at school. That likely would not be the most private place, and you may risk breaking some kind of rule. Again, I think the bath is a good idea, and I wouldn't worry about the drain. From what I understand (and a little research online) semen isn't thick enough to cause a clog. Hope this helps, let me know if you have any more questions!

Re: More questions

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 6:42 am
by Otter8
Thanks so much!

I will try the bath. When you say clean the tub afterwards is it best with just some clean water and a sponge?

When I talked to my friend he said that he masturbates for about 10 minutes each time and does it about twice a day which got me a bit worried because it takes me about 40 minutes. I can only do it once every few days because of privacy but I want to do it more. Sometimes I have a chance to do it in my bedroom if both my mum and sister are out for a bit but that’s quite rare. Is it ok if It takes me that long? My friend thought that was quite strange. Is there a way to do it faster? The only other place I have besides my bed and bath is in the bathroom on the toilet but sometimes I take too long and have to stop because someone knocks.

Re: More questions

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 6:57 am
by Coral
When cleaning the tub I'd use soap and water and a sponge or cloth.

It's totally normal to take that long. Everyone (and their sensitivity) is different, so in terms of being faster, the only way to find out would be to try something new! There's nothing wrong with taking longer than your friend, though, and I think that using the bathtub is a good idea for privacy for a longer period of time than the toilet. Hope that helps!

Re: More questions

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 7:17 am
by Otter8
Thanks for the information again.

I’m glad there’s not something wrong then. I got frustrated with it sometimes on how long it would take. I’m comfortable with the way I do it now but I would like to learn something new, is there any advice for this?

Re: More questions

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 2:35 pm
by Mo
The best advice we can give is to take some time experimenting when you masturbate, to see if different kinds of touch, a different level of intensity, thinking about something new or different, etc. will make a difference. There's no one best way that works for everyone, so we can't give specific tips, but experimentation may turn up something new that you really enjoy. If you haven't read through Going Solo: The Basics of Masturbation yet, it has a few thoughts of things you may want to try so I'd say it's worth a read!