
  • Heather Corinna

From what I tend to observe, when someone like you is worried about what you'll say exerting sexual pressure, but is coming from the wonderful, thoughtful kind of place that you are, these worries are often displaced. In other words, I'd say it's highly likely that with how you feel about this...

  • Heather Corinna

Good question! I wish I had an answer to give you as succinct and simple as your question. The answer is that it depends. Many countries have age of consent (AOC) laws that are federal, or the same throughout a whole nation, so it just depends then on what country you're in. If you're not in one of...

  • Heather Corinna

I can't make these choices for you, and I think it's really important you make and own your own choices in relationships and in sex once you start choosing to have them be part of your life. What I can do for you is to try and give you some extra information and perspective, based on what you've...

  • Heather Corinna

Before I say anything else, I'm going to say what I often do to people about threesomes (or moresomes), particularly threesomes-in-the-abstract or other kinds of sexual scenarios with an established couple and one or more other partners who they don't know yet or haven't even considered. Especially...

  • Heather Corinna

The core of what you're asking about is a biggie, one whole books have been written about. As someone who tends to be verbose, I could certainly write you a book, but I'll spare you an encyclopedia, aim for a summary and will probably land somewhere in between. Based on what you posted, I don't see...

  • Heather Corinna

Although I think of myself as South Asian, I was born overseas and have always lived in a Western country. Our family still carries many of our traditional values from back home and we have a large community here. I came out to my parents around 3 years after having my own realizations. The impetus for this was that they had started to look for marriage partners for me.

  • James Elliott

Meyli's question continued: Last night, he went out with a couple guy friends, and they went to a fastfood place for dinner. One of the workers, a middle-aged man, touched him (can I say he grabbed his ass?) innapropriately. He was really freaked out by that, obviously anyone would be. It was a...

  • Heather Corinna

My family is supportive of my life, as long as they get to ignore the queer part. I know they can't handle it so I don't talk about it with them. As for my community of colour, the only one I've ever really been a part of is my mom's church family, and I know they wouldn't be able to handle it either.


While a recent Kinsey survey pointed this out, it's not news to anyone who does any kind of sexuality education that people have a mighty hard time agreeing on what "sex" means. It's very common for someone to figure that what sex means for them, the way they have experienced or classified sex, is...

  • Heather Corinna

Does your relationship need a basic checkup to be sure it's healthy and well? Here's a list for doing just that.