
  • Heather Corinna

It's not bad at ALL to have laughter be part of your sex life: it's ideal. Laughter is an expression of joy, after all, and ideally, sex should be an expression of joy, too. Nervous laughter is also okay: sex with a partner can make us feel anxious, nervous, or highly excited and it's normal for...

  • Heather Corinna

I tend to think the best way of saying I love you is...well, saying "I love you." But if you're asking if sex can express love? Sure it can. It doesn't always, but it absolutely always has that potential. People being mutually invested in each other's comfort and pleasure, each other's sexual growth...

  • Heather Corinna

If we look at our sexuality one way, it looks a million times simpler than it actually is. If we look at it another way, it appears a million times more complicated. While it's important that we bear everything in mind we need to in terms of infection and disease, birth control, our relationships, our bodies and the whole works, now and then we need to remember the bare bones and the human element of the thing, and keep the essentials in the forefront of our minds.