
  • Heather Corinna

When I was in high school, I was -- as I still am now -- in the habit of hugging friends and warmly kissing them on the cheek, the sides of their mouth or on the mouth entire when greeting them, passing them in the halls, or just because I loved them and liked to demonstrate my affection. You can...

  • Karen Rayne

Talking with your parents about sex can be really hard – even if your parents are really open and start the conversation themselves rather than you starting it – or even if your parents are totally supportive of your boyfriend or girlfriend and your sexual activities. Here are some tips and helps to make it easier on both of you.

  • Heather Corinna

For some people, in some situations, sixteen is young to have sex. For some, it is too young. For others, it feels like an appropriate age, and others still, it's felt okay to engage in sex at a younger age. Age-in-years, all by itself, doesn't tend to be a good marker of when someone is or is not...

  • Kelly Addington

It was my personal mission to break the silence, not just for myself but for others who were not yet ready to speak. I wanted to share my story with whoever was willing to listen in hopes of making a difference in someone’s life. Look out world; I am on a mission to end sexual violence!

  • Heather Corinna

I think that when it feels like the only way you can get someone to take no or "I'm not ready yet" for an answer is to lie and say you were sexually assaulted, that you probably know all you need to know. Same goes for someone who you say you cannot sit down and talk to about saying you aren't ready...

  • Stephanie

While it would be nice sometimes to have a fact sheet that listed everything every person enjoyed with sex – after a while it would become boring to have all the answers and the fun of discovery with partners would no longer be present. That said, I can’t tell you what position would be best for you...

  • Heather Corinna

There is no one sexual activity which we can know brings everyone to orgasm or even almost everyone. Even though plenty of people certainly enjoy oral sex, not everyone reaches orgasm that way, nor from any other one activity. Your ideas about that aren't accurate, though I can certainly understand...

  • Lena

Anna, I'm sorry to hear that you're in this tough situation right now. You really like having your friend as just a friend and want to keep it that way whereas she would prefer a more sexual relationship. You don't want to hurt her feelings but you also don't want to keep having sex! While we...

  • Heather Corinna

A dildo -- or any other sex toy -- is not likely to do anything to the nerve endings within your vagina. In fact, it's completely likely there isn't a single thing wrong with you, and that nothing whatsoever has happened to your vagina to result in you feeling this way. As we've explained many times...

  • CJ Turett

It sounds as if you’re concerned about your performance abilities, and whether your partner is going to get pleasure out of intercourse. From what I’m reading, it also sounds to me like you’re already having “actual sex”—indeed, oral sex, manual sex….it’s sex! And with sex comes the need for good...