
  • CJ Turett

What someone likes or doesn’t like, both in general and more specifically as it relates to pleasure, is an intensely personal thing. As much as we sometimes like to pretend this isn’t true, there just aren’t universals about certain activities that Every Single Person Ever absolutely loves, or...

  • CJ Turett

Well, the only person who knows for sure if your partner is being honest with you would be your partner. I think that is just one reason why it sounds pretty important that you revisit this discussion with him, particularly if he doesn’t know you’re still feeling unsettled or uncomfortable even...

  • Heather Corinna

You should experiment and communicate with your partner and should do the things together and alone that feel uniquely good for both of you -- not just one of you -- at any given time. In all truth, the answer to situations like this really are that simple, and there's not a whole lot more to it...

  • Heather Corinna

Does your relationship need a basic checkup to be sure it's healthy and well? Here's a list for doing just that.

  • Heather Corinna

No one ever needs a reason to say no to anything, just like you don't need a reason to say yes to something. It sounds to me like you have been very clear when it comes to what you do not want to do. You even put a very clear date on it, so since you said that it won't happen until you're at least...

  • Heather Corinna

Let's say I decide I want to learn to bake bread, so I decided to try and make bread every day. But what if in doing that, every day I had the oven set at the wrong temperature, was using the wrong measuring tools for my ingredients or kept using yeast which wasn't active anymore? I could keep doing...

  • Johanna Schorn

You and your partner have talked about your sexual and relationship history, and it sounds like you've also both tried to be honest in voicing your wants and needs when it comes to sex. That means that you two understand how important communication and honesty are when it comes to having a healthy...

  • Heather Corinna

That question probably either sounds like a really important one or a really stupid one, depending on your view. But I want the answer regardless, and am seriously tired of waiting for it. That's why I went ahead and asked it myself. As an organization that provides information on all methods of...

  • Lena

Making out with an ex whom you still have feelings for isn't really an issue of being right or wrong morally: I'd say it's more about being honest with yourself and doing what's right for you. Right now this arrangement doesn't seem to be a good match for your needs and wants. Casual sex generally...

  • Heather Corinna

I wish that I could give you one simple, short and objective answer for what love is, but unfortunately, I can't. That's a question people have been asking for probably as long as there have been people, and as of yet, while there have been millions of answers, I don't think anyone has arrived at...