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Scared My Drink Spiked

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:55 pm
by Herstory
Hello! So last night, my friend and I went to a bar to just chill and unwind for the week. We both had 3 cocktails and two shots, which is lower than I normally even drink, and I started to blackout, pass out, and throw up instantly. My friend is the same height, same weight as me and she didn’t experience any of these symptoms and had to help me get home because I kept passing out. I didn’t remember a thing about how I got back to her dorm. I woke up confused and disoriented. I had never ever been that drunk in my life, much less with three cocktail and 2 shots. In the morning, I was just disoriented and the world was spinning, but with no headache like I usually experience with hangovers. I have a tad suspicion that one of my drinks was spiked but I don’t know.

My friend said I was just drunk, but what I experienced last night I feel was more than just me being drunk. This was the first time in many many months that I drank and when I did drink before, I have never gotten in that state. For example, I once drank 3 cocktails, a glass of wine, and 4 shots and STILL didn’t experience what I did last night. Plus, my friend had the same to drink and she didn’t pass out or anything like I did. How can I find out if my drink really was spiked? Is this all in my head? Was it really just the drinks?

Re: Scared My Drink Spiked

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:29 pm
by Heather
It's really hard to say, including because your usual tolerance aside, that is actually a good deal of alcohol to have in one sitting. Just because it doesn't usually hit you like that doesn't mean it won't or can't ever, and things like seasonal illness, elevated stress, sleep deprivation and other things can often change how alcohol and other substances impact us.

It doesn't sound like anything happened beyond you feeling intoxicated (you're not reporting anything like attempted assault, in other words), but in the event you want to know for sure, though, you can see a healthcare provider and ask them for a tox screen.

Re: Scared My Drink Spiked

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 9:52 pm
by Herstory
Luckily my friend was there and she helped me through out the whole night. But we both noticed a guy that kept following us around in the bar which was a little concerning and we both didn’t feel safe so we left, but in the car ride back to her dorm I started to pass out. Nothing bad happened though, except that I kept passing out. I don’t remember anything that happened after we left the bar.