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Broken Condom and Nuvaring

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 9:44 pm
by Dragon15
A couple weeks ago me and my boyfriend had sex and the condom broke two days in a row. We noticed within about 5 seconds both times. I started my first month of Nuvaring a couple weeks before that on the first day of my period so the package says I’m projected. I’m just wondering that if I wasn’t protected if he had Precum (which he didn’t seem to have any) could I have a high chance of pregnancy?

Re: Broken Condom and Nuvaring

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 10:22 pm
by Alice O
Hey Dragon15,

Welcome to the boards! Sorry to hear about this stress.

If your package says you are protected, then you can trust that! The ring is over 90% effective at preventing pregnancy with typical use, and when combined with condoms they are 99% effective. Also, pre-ejaculate has a very low sperm count (and sperm is one necessary ingredient for pregnancy).

I would just make sure you and your boyfriend continue with your regular STI testing and sexual healthcare.

The bigger issue here is that we don't want condoms continuing to break for you guys! Are you using lube? Are the condoms new and far away from their expiration date? Are the condoms the right size for your boyfriend's penis? Check out this article to learn some more tips about proper condom use--Condom Basics: A User's Manual.