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HSV in spit?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 5:04 am
by aj2234
Hi guys, I read the STI files on herpes and was a bit confused about the part that said bodily fluids don’t need to be present for HSV to spread.

I know it’s spread through direct contact with a sore, but can it be spread through spit alone? I went to a show tonight and an actor did a spit take with water, some of which unfortunately landed in my drink and has since made me a little uncomfortable.

As quite an aside, I also wanted to take the opportunity to thank you all for your support on this forum. I’ve found a new, very wonderful psychologist and have spent a lot less time worrying and a lot more time enjoying myself. Thank you all for encouraging me to continue to find support that suits me. I’ve still got a while to go, but it’s heartening to be making my way there.

Re: HSV in spit?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 11:41 am
by Heather
You're welcome. I'm so glad that you were able to find someone like that. Can I ask what their advice is when it come to you using this resource, especially for something like this?

That's super gross about your water! Ick.

I can't imagine, however, that given how you feel about these kinds of things you drank if after that, right? Certainly, some illness could be spread that way, but TBH, the kinds that can are the same kinds we are pretty much all at risk of all the time -- like the cold virus -- because of someone sneezing very near us, for example. In other words, I don't see anything here you would have been potentially at risk of, even if you did drink your drink after, that we all aren't at risk for just by sitting next to people on the bus every day.

I would work on accepting this was icky, but letting it go, instead of digging in so it attaches yourself to the worries/anxiety you so often have about HSV and other illness, okay?

Re: HSV in spit?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 9:03 pm
by aj2234
Hi Heather, thanks for the response. Despite the heebie jeebies, I did actually drink it! It was a full glass of cider that I bought, so I really didn’t want to waste it.

Their advice was that it’s fine to seek out knowledge as long as it’s not perpetuating a cycle of anxiety. So, if I can go ‘okay, that’s what happened and this is the information I found out about it’ and leave it at that then it’s okay, but if it’s leading to spiralling to find better ways of addressing the root of my worries.

I’ve actually had a few instances when I’ve been in close contact with people with active cold sores and have been able to relax and deal with it myself, so I’m feeling a bit more confident in breaking the cycle offline now, and I’m hoping to continue that more because I know I’ve asked a lot of questions about HSV.

Re: HSV in spit?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 10:31 pm
by Alice O
So glad to hear that you have found a psychologist that you work well! Hearing that you have been worrying less, and that you are feeling more confident in breaking anxiety cycles, is so great. Congratulations! I know it takes a lot of work :)

Re: HSV in spit?

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 6:03 am
by aj2234
Thank you so much, Alice! It’s been good to journal and track my progress and how I react to situations like these to feel more in control and confident in the future.
