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EC after missing a pill

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2018 5:27 am
by aj2234
Hi guys,

I just wanted to check under what circumstances (if any) you would need to take emergency contraception after a missed pill. My pill packet has plenty on what to do for a missed pill and how to proceed moving forward, but I noticed it didn't say anything about any action needed if you've had sex prior to missing the pill.

So, are there any circumstances, e.g. having sex a few days before a missed pill that would necessitate emergency contraception, or is that not necessary because the protection doesn't drop to 0%, just to the 'regular use' percentage?

Does this change with missing more than one pill?

Re: EC after missing a pill

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2018 9:15 am
by Sam W
Hi aj2234,

EC wouldn't likely be necessary in this situation, as one missed pill is unlikely to decrease your effectiveness (possible, but not likely). If more pills are missed, then that does pose a risk of decreased effectiveness (although given that sperm can only live 2-5 days inside your body, sex prior to missing those pills poses much less of a risk than sex that was had after missing multiple pills).

Re: EC after missing a pill

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:24 am
by aj2234
Hey Sam, thanks very much for the info. :)