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Dealing with afterglow

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 2:56 pm
by name_pending
Okay. So last time I sent a thing here, it was about not being able to feel good after masturbating. So, it turns out that was a sign of my depression being really bad. Which... well, isn't great, but at least now I can feel satisfied after!

The problem is, sometimes I'm going about my day-to-day life and DON'T want to be horny. I know this might sound a bit world's smallest violin, but after I masturbate there's normally a really strong afterglow that just. Feels really good and great and warm, and is nice, but sometimes I just don't want to have to deal with that.

Is there a quick way to stop feeling like that after masturbating, if I'm in a sexy mood and masturbate and than decide I want to not be in that mood anymore?

Re: Dealing with afterglow

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 3:06 am
by Latha
Hi there, name_pending,

Oh no- it is good that you have an explanation and that you can feel satisfied now, but I'm sorry your depression was really bad!

If you want that afterglow to go away sooner, maybe you could try switching to another activity- you could take a cool bath, exercise, or play a game that requires your focus. The idea is to push yourself into an activity that will have the effect of... waking you up, in a sense.