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Do you think it's possible for a sperm from pre cum live on wet wipes? like in a day.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:57 am
by Mikay
I did hand job to my bf and felt his pre cum on my hands, but he didn't came. We kissed for couple of minutes not sure if my hands were dry by then but we're under ceiling fan. I got wet wipes for both of us using the same hand I touched the pre cum to clean our hands. I went home 45 minutes after and I touched lot of things already including clothes, door handles, couch, wallet etc.

At home, I washed my hands with soap and water two times before going to bathroom to clean my V which includes touching my vaginal opening.

Also, after one day I noticed a slight increase on my temperature (probably ovulation idk) and an egg white discharge. I wiped it with wet wipes from similar pack when I had pre cum on my hands. I was overthinking if pre cum or sperm from it the other day can live in wet wipes (it says disinfectant wipes)

Or that the sperm from the pre cum may survive all of what happened and I touched my viginal opening while washing. And it all happened during my fertile window 😭😭

Re: Do you think it's possible for a sperm from pre cum live on wet wipes? like in a day.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 2:08 am
by Latha
Hi there, Mikay- welcome to the boards!

Let me assure you, there is no way that sperm could have lived through all that, so there is no risk of pregnancy from this situation. Sperm cells are actually quite fragile, so they won't survive in an environment that does not have the right temperature or pH, they can't handle much friction, and they can't be transferred between many surfaces. They absolutely would not survive you washing your hands or being on a disinfectant wipes packet for a whole day. Don't worry.