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Visualizing genitals

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:58 pm
by Starsnsloths
I have a question about perceiving your gender. Is it healthy to try to positively visualize your genitals as something like a pillow or something instead of as genitals? This isn't in a sexual role play way. And can you use that same visualization when your cleaning your body or do you need the mindfulness, or can you do both? I hope that makes sense, if not than I'll just move on. I am asking this because I personally, find looking at genitals uncomfortable and also is that like a trauma thing? (I'm almost 22).

Thank you!!!!!

Re: Visualizing genitals

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:38 am
by Latha
Hi there, Starsandsloths

If it isn't keeping you from taking care of your health, I don't see how it could be unhealthy. Could discomfort with genitals be due to trauma? Yes, possibly- it can also be caused by picking up on sex-negative messages in our environment.

It can take time and energy to unlearn such messages or heal from trauma- and doing that may not be a priority for you at this point in time. So I'd say that this should be fine, so long as you can still take care of your health.