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Scared of pregnancy - a sequel

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 2:10 pm
by tryingmybest20
Hi, I'm sorry for being annoying and posting a lot, but I can't seem to stop worrying.
I had manual intercourse a month and a half ago and have menstruated twice since then, but I can't shake away the feeling that I might be pregnant. I'm hearing all these stories about women who thought they had gotten their period, but it was just bleeding in a pregnancy. What do I do?

Re: Scared of pregnancy - a sequel

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 1:38 am
by Latha
Hi there, tryingmybest20!

Hmm, I can see why you would worry about that. Here is the thing, bleeding during pregnancy is different from menstruation in certain ways- like when it happens, and how long it lasts. Since you've had your period twice, it is a pretty good indication that you are not pregnant. Too, as Sam said to you before, there was no risk of pregnancy from the activities that you described.

I understand it can be difficult to stop worrying about these things. Maybe you'd like to check out this article of ours (You're Not Pregnant. Why Do You Think You Are?)- it describes steps you can take to manage such anxieties based on their cause.