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clitoral stimulation question

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2023 3:00 am
by AvaBlake
Hi, do any of you have tips on I can comfortably touch my clit and g-spot at the same time while masterbating? When I usually do it my wrists bend in an uncomfortable way and cramp.
I don't have the money to buy a sex toy, and, even if I did, I still live with my parents and don't want anyone asking about packages.

I usually do this sitting down, could changing positions help?

Re: clitoral stimulation question

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2023 6:39 am
by Sam W
Hi AvaBlake,

You could for sure experiment with different positions if you think that would help you find a more comfortable way of doing this. That could include ones that allow you to use a pillow or a showerhead for external stimulation so you're not bending your wrist at an odd angle. Too, if you want to experiment with sex toys as an option but money and privacy don't allow for that, we actually have a whole article on how to DIY sex toys from things you can either find at home or buy without anyone thinking it's odd: D.I.Y. Sex Toys: Self-Love Edition