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Kind of confused...

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 1:24 pm
by Gluggaveður
I'm on the autism spectrum and I've always found it difficult to differentiate between romantic and platonic attraction and love. I think in the romantic respect I don't feel as brightly or as strongly as others do. I'm not aromantic, I have had legitimate crushes before, but I just feel like there's something missing. I've never been in a relationship. I'm wondering if I only feel romantic attraction on occasion (ergo greyromantic label) or if it's normal to feel romantic attraction sort of 'lightly'?

Re: Kind of confused...

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 6:28 am
by Amanda B
Hi there,

It's completely normal for romantic attraction to vary. For instance, you may experience everything from a mild, fleeting crush, to intense romantic feelings. The same goes for platonic attraction. You can feel friendly with one person, then really want to build a close friendship with someone else. That's the fun part about attraction! It varies so much and can be fluid throughout one's lifetime. I'm glad you're thinking about what attraction means to you, and trying to clarify everything with labels that feel like a good fit. This is a great step in understanding what types of relationships will be most fulfilling. I hope this helps!