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Very light “period”

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:04 pm
by peachypng
On Thursday July 5th, I lost my virginity to my boyfriend. The pain was unbearable to the point where I cried. My boyfriend and I used a condom. He did rub my clit raw but no genital touching after. That night I wiped myself and very little blood came out. The next day,Friday, I didn’t bleed but I heard a gurgling noise come from my lady parts. The day after,Saturday I bled a bright red and on Sunday I did as well. A week passed by and yesterday it seems like I got my period? I had a brown discharge with bits of red in it. Today is my expected period. I wiped myself several times today and I had brown with red blood. I stuck a tissue up me and blood came out, but very lightly. My “period” is so light that it doesn’t stain my pad. Only yesterday it did but very little and it was the brown and red blood. When I pee I would see drops of red blood in the toilet. Why doesn’t my period want to flow? Is this implantation bleeding? I’m expecting period like symptoms like getting cramps and my migraines and boobs hurting here and there with upper back pain.

Re: Very light “period”

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 7:40 am
by Sam W
Hi peachypng,

It's not unusual for some periods to be lighter than others, and that may be what's happening here (we can't say for certain, since we can't examine people over the internet). Too, if you're having symptoms that usually go along with your period, than that's likely what is happening. The blood you found right after sex was likely a result of tearing, given that the sex was painful.

I'm more concerned about the fact that the sex you had was so painful. Vaginal intercourse is not supposed to hurt the first time you do it, although many people find that tension or lack of lube mean that it ends up doing so. If you like, we can give you information on how to prevent painful sex in the future. When it got painful, did you ask your boyfriend to stop? And did he not notice that you were crying from discomfort?