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Is it possible to get high risk HPV from being fingered?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:50 pm
by Tassha1223
I was just curious if that is even possible.

Re: Is it possible to get high risk HPV from being fingered?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:56 pm
by Heather
Not if that's the only kind of sex going on, because the strains of HPV that are sexually transmitted and high-risk aren't the strains that create warts on the hands. The kind of HPV you're asking about can only be transmitted through genital-genital contact, oral-genital contact or hand-genital contact (where the person with HPV touching your genitals had also been touching their own). Even in that last case, it's thought to be more of a theoretical risk than an actual one.

This is one of those things, though, where I feel like it's easy to not even have to think about it if people are washing their hands before manual sex, something everyone should ALWAYS do just because hands carry so much bacteria all the time. So, just like of course we should all wash our hands before eating, the same goes with what we should do (and ask partners to do if we have to, though hopefully we don't have to ask, because hopefully they have at least basic hygiene skills before they're doing something as advanced as being sexual with another person) before putting them inside anyone's pants.