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Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:21 pm
by sw1234
My friend got drunk and he asked me to come over as he was having personal problems and felt alone. I went over his house and as it was quite late we soon went to sleep at his place as it was too late for me to go back home. Whilst he was sleeping i accidentally put my hand on the wrong place and felt that he had an erection.. He previously asked me out but I said no as I think he doesn't actually like me but he just wants a girlfriend and sees me as the most compatible out of everyone. Anyway if a guy has an erection when he is with you alone does that mean he likes you?

Re: erection

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:32 pm
by phantomdog

not necessarily, people get erections for all sorts of reasons and it's not uncommon at all for erections to occur in one's sleep. i can see why you might think it's a sign he likes you, given his actions in the past, but i really wouldn't read that deep into it.

Re: erection

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 6:47 am
by Siân
hi there,

phantomdog is right, whether someone has an erection or not doesn't tell us whether they like or want to have sex with us - better to speak to them and ask. Are you wondering because you are interested in this person? Do you want to have a conversation about whether this is a friendship or something else?

I hear that you say it was an accident, but it sounds like you need to be more careful in future not to touch someone sexually without their consent. When you're cuddling or sharing a bed with someone, if you're going to move your hands have a basic level of awareness of where the other person is and what is and isn't ok.