Sexual Identity

The way we and others understand and experience who we are based on all or some of our sexualities, including things like sexual orientation, relationship models, what sexual activities or practices we're into and more.

  • Sam Wall

Hoo boy. You’ve hit on a lot of big questions here. Some are the kind that can (and sometimes do) lead to knock-down, drag-out fights in the queer community. I’m going to do my best to tread lightly. What’s coming across in your question is that your evaluation of your friends’ identity is more...

  • Alaina Leary

Think you might be asexual, or just curious about the ace community? Alaina Leary has the details.

  • Alaina Leary

As we change the narrative on disability and sexuality, we need to acknowledge that disabled asexuals exist.

  • Manola Secaira

The coming out of celebrities like Janelle Monae pave the path for a better understanding of sexual identifiers.

  • Ben

Ben shares the moments and realizations that helped him understand his sexual orientation.

  • Wyn

Wyn talks about how giving up on defining your identity can be freeing.

  • Gerbil

Gerbil shares how gender transition set him on the path to a new understanding of his sexual orientation.

  • Sam Wall

Sam shares how denial, internet searches, and queer media were all part of her learning about her sexual orientation.

  • Riss

Riss shares how reconnecting with old friends and looking at her own faith in new ways were important parts of understanding her identity.

  • Sebastian Jimenez

Sebastian talks about the moments that helped them better understand their identity.