
Semen in eyes


My boyfriend and I just had manual sex⁠ ,and after arousing him..his ejaculate shot into my eye by mistake. Can this cause an infection⁠ ? My eye is very red and is paining badly. What do you suggest I do??

Ideally, after something like this, you'd want to flush your eye out⁠ with a lot of water, as an immediate measure.

But more ideally, you don't want to get semen⁠ in your eyes. That absolutely poses a risk of infection⁠ -- as well as hurting like nobody's business -- including sexually transmitted diseases. So, if you're going to be that up-close to a penis⁠ during manual sex⁠ where it's even remotely possible semen could get in your eyes, you'll want them to be wearing a condom⁠ .

I'd suggest you be sure and follow this up with a visit to your doctor, especially if you and your partner⁠ aren't sure about his STI⁠ status (and by sure, I mean, have a copy of his recent test results in your hands), and/or you have any continued pain, swelling or drainage from your eye.